Established in 1959 and at more than 61 years old, Hawaii crosses over more than 10,932 square miles of area and is a place of residence to 1,415,872 people. There are presently 4 active highways in Hawaii spanning 55 miles of road. For those wanting to drive on I-h1, I-h2, I-h3 and more, acquiring car insurance in Hawaii is obligatory. The average costs of car insurance in Hawaii is close to $73. The minimum liability bodily coverage requirements per person is $20,000 and the mandatory amount for minimum liability bodily coverage per accident is $40,000. For lion’s share of motorists getting a hold of car insurance in Hawaii, we recommend acquiring at the lowest $40,000 for bodily coverage per person and the matching amount per accident. Drivers can count on paying up to $221 per month for car insurance in Hawaii, and at the least $18.